Wednesday, January 25, 2017

New Puppy?

Remember how I said my goal for 2017 is to be more spontaneous?

Well, I spontaneously got a pet puppy. The breed of this puppy is a Japanese Spitz which I bought from someone. It is a 2-month-old puppy named Chiyo and she has been staying with me and has been part of the family for about 3 weeks now.

Honestly, being a total noob and amateur in the knowledge of puppies and did not expect that puppy care can be so difficult! I mean there was many things I did not know about, such as the constant crying at night as the puppy might be experiencing separation anxiety from his mother and littermates, also the most annoying puppy biting which can really catch someone off guard!

I mean I definitely cannot call myself a puppy expert now but I kinda got the hang of it now! Doing my best to get my puppy used to a fixed schedule and do the basic training of sitting, staying and what not.

Having this new puppy entering my life is definitely for a fact that it has changed my life drastically and for the better. I start to see myself spending lesser time on my phone, computer and going out lesser(which saves me a tonne of money) as I have the responsibility to look after the puppy. This includes playing with her which forced me to exercise which I hate a lot! I can say my lifestyle has become more scheduled.

Having a new puppy is somewhat equivalent to having a baby.  The same amount of attention and care you give to a baby is the same as what you have to give to your puppy. Looking after a puppy is not and never will be easy (In my opinion at least).

Follow:@auntychiyo if you want to view puppy pics:)

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